
A questionnaire generator and a game


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This is a small program to create a random questionnaire from a list of questions. It is primarily written for easily compiling and correcting exams.

A quiz and a snake game are provided as well for leisure time entertainment.

The program is available in those languages:



No installation necessary! Simply download the ready-made windows executable here and double-click the fuxenpruefung.exe executable!

You will also find there a .zip file containing example questions to get you started with the questionnaire.

The fox snake game

You are the fox major. Earn points by catching foxes but do not collide with your own tail! Follow the in-game instructions for more information.

Screenshot snake game

Online high score

By entering your name your points will be submitted to the online high score list where eternal glory awaits you.


  • <Escape> close the current window
  • <ArrowKeys> Move your fox major in the indicated direction or start the game
  • <Return> start the game

The questionnaire generator

The selection of questions is randomized, and so is the order of appearance. The number of questions from different categories of difficulty can be set. The program creates two formatted text documents, the solutions for the examiner and the questionnaire for the examinee.

The program requires a question file, structured like the example question files in questions directory contained in the project and explained under Question file syntax below. It can also read input from an encrypted ZIP file, such as the one delivered within the project (password: password). This is useful if you do not want to risk your students to get hold of the answers.

Question file syntax

If you would like to add, remove or change questions, this is your section. The program expects questions in the following format, each part separated by a hash (#) from the other:

[Difficulty] # [Question] # [Answer] # [Category] # [Empty lines for answer]

The difficulty/work intensity related with a question is set via H (high), M (medium), S (small), J (joke), P (permanent), A (archived). For example:

# What is the name of this program? # Fuxenprüfung # IT # 1

would denote a small question asking for the name of the program, which is an IT related question and needs one free line for the student’s answer Fuxenprüfung.

For Multiple Choice questions use ‘\\’ for every option, e.g.:

# What is python?\\A snake\\A programming language# A # Example # 0

would result in a multiple choice question with two bullet points and no space after it, since they are meant to be ticked.


  • <Escape> close the current window
  • <Up> radio button up
  • <Down> radio button down
  • <Return> start, proceed with next window
  • m in main window: mute or unmute sound
  • l in main window: switch language