Performs the activation of a layer output
Performs the activation of a layer output
Instance vectors with neuron-transformed features
Activation function identifier
Activated layer output vector with same dimensions as Z
Calculates the derivative of the activation layer for their output for in backpropagation.
Calculates the derivative of the activation layer for their output for in backpropagation.
Instance vectors with with activated features
Activation function identifier
Activated layer output vector with same dimensions as Z
Creates the neural network output by feeding all instances the network
Creates the neural network output by feeding all instances the network
List of input instance feature vectors
Sequence of weight matrices of the layers
Sequence of intercept vectors of the layers
Activation function identifier
Output neuron values for each instance
Calculates the distance of the NN output to the truth for classification
Calculates the distance of the NN output to the truth for classification
List of instance network output vectors
List of instance labels
Calculates the distance of the NN output to the truth for regression
Calculates the distance of the NN output to the truth for regression
List of instance network output vectors
List of instance labels
Calculates the classification loss of the predictions vs the truth
Calculates the classification loss of the predictions vs the truth
List of instance network output vectors
List of instance labels
Sequence of weight matrices of the layers
Regularization parameter
Calculates the regression loss of the predictions vs the truth
Calculates the regression loss of the predictions vs the truth
List of instance network output vectors
List of instance labels
Sequence of weight matrices of the layers
Regularization parameter
Transforms the instance vectors in probability vectors
Transforms the instance vectors in probability vectors
List of instance network output vectors
Vectors of probabilities to belong th each class
Performs neuron transformation in one layer from n inputs to m outputs
Performs neuron transformation in one layer from n inputs to m outputs
Instance vector with n features
Matrix of dimension n x m, n weights for m neurons
Vector with m entries, one intercept for each neuron
Instance vector with m features
Propagates the network outputs backward and saves necessary updates for weights and intercepts
Propagates the network outputs backward and saves necessary updates for weights and intercepts
List of output distances from truth for each output neuron for each instance
List of layer output vectors for all instances from forward propagation
List of input instance feature vectors
Sequence of weight matrices of the layers
Sequence of intercept vectors of the layers
Activation function identifier
Regularization parameter
List of updates for weight matrix and intercept vector
Propagates the instances forward and saves the intermediate output
Propagates the instances forward and saves the intermediate output
List of instance feature vectors
Sequence of weight matrices of the layers
Sequence of intercept vectors of the layers
Activation function identifier
List of layer output vectors for all instances
Provides functions for neural network training