The distribution function to assume for the feature distributions
Prior probabilities to assume for the classes
Additive (Laplace/Lidstone) smoothing parameter (0 for no smoothing)
Order of polynomial features to add to the instances (1 for no addition)
Provides meta-information on the classifier
Provides meta-information on the classifier
Map object of metric names and metric values
Calculates the per class and per feature likelihood value of a given instance
Calculates the probabilities of belonging to a class for a given instance
Calculates the probabilities of belonging to a class for a given instance
This bases on Bayes theorem: p(C | x) = p(x | C) * p(C) / const using the naive assumption, that p(x0, ..., xn | C) * p(C) = p(C) * p(x0 | C) * ... * p(xn | C). The constant factor is neglected.
The name of the classifier
The name of the classifier
Parameters for the likelihood for each class and feature
Applies the trained classifier to a dataset
Applies the trained classifier to a dataset
List of data instances
List of predictions
Prior probability for the classes
Performs the training of the classifier
Performs the training of the classifier
List of training instances
List of training labels
Naive Bayes classifier