Width (in number of nodes) of the SOM
Height (in number of nodes) of the SOM
Learning rate = size of the update step. Ranges from 0 (no update) to 1 (set equal to training instance)
Learning rate decay after this number of training steps
Type of learning rate decay
Number of iterations for random training. Default -1: run once and in order through training data
Returns the training evolution of the cluster means
Returns the training evolution of the cluster means
Provides meta-information on the algorithm
Provides meta-information on the algorithm
Map object of metric names and metric values
The name of the clustering algorithm
The name of the clustering algorithm
Applies the trained algorithm to a dataset
Applies the trained algorithm to a dataset
List of data instances
List of predictions
Performs the training of the classifier
Performs the training of the classifier
List of training instances
Self-organizing map clustering