Plot labeled data and classifier decision
Plot labeled data and classifier decision
List of features
List of labels
Trained classifier
Path to save the plot
Plot labeled data
Plot labeled data
List of features
List of labels
Path to save the plot
Plot classifier decision areas on an envelope plane of the data
Plot classifier decision areas on an envelope plane of the data
List of features
Trained classifier
Path to save the plot
Plot data and cluster association.
Plot data and cluster association. If dimensionality of data > 2, use first principal components as axes.
List of features
List of predicted classes
Trained classifier
Path to save the plot
Plot clustering decision areas on an envelope plane of the data
Plot clustering decision areas on an envelope plane of the data
List of features
Trained clusterer
Path to save the plot
Plot a set of curves
Plot a set of curves
List of curves, with a curve being a list of points (x, y)
List of the curves' names
Path to save the plot
Plot data for regression
Plot data for regression
List of features, e.g. in 2D: x-coordinates
List of labels, e.g. in 2D: y-coordinates
Trained regressor
Path to save the plot
Plot data for regression
Plot data for regression
List of features, e.g. in 2D: x-coordinates
List of labels, e.g. in 2D: y-coordinates
Path to save the plot
Provides functions for plotting data and algorithm results